My girlfriend Bailey brought this salad over to our house one night and's forever called the Bailey salad. Even at a restaurant when there is a salad similar on the menu, McKinley says "I want the Bailey Salad."
Disclaimer: I never called this a recipe. I do not have nor use exact measurements. So, go with it!

Ingredients (that I use):
Romaine Lettuce - 2 heads works perfectly for our family, 3 for a small gathering
Lots of Sliced Strawberries
Red Onion, Diced
Glazed Pecans
Golden Raisins - I have used regular, but Bailey would yell at me
Wonton Strips
Shredded Parmesan Cheese, Roughly a Cup
Olive Oil
Balsamic Glaze
Salt and Pepper
Bonus Ingredients used by Bailey
Sesame cracker things that I cannot stand but somehow tasted great in the salad when she made it.
Shredded carrots, I never take the time to do this
Chop your romaine lettuce up. And when I say chop, I mean chop it. Nobody wants a big ol' piece of lettuce. Plus, it's great when everything is roughly the same size.
Now... grab a giant bowl - you're gonna need the space! With the romaine in the bowl, add the rest of your ingredients - sliced strawberries, diced red onion, glazed pecans, golden raisins, wonton strips, croutons and shredded parmesan. Drizzle a decent amount of olive oil over the top of everything and toss it all together. Add salt and pepper to taste, and toss again. You want everything coated really good. Then add some balsamic glaze and toss again. Transfer to your pretty serving bowl and do a final drizzle of balsamic glaze on top. Here's your chance to make it look pretty folks.
And... best news yet, don't toss the left overs. The salad taste bomb the next day!